This topic includes a number of programs and activities that are open for teens to just jump in and enjoy. Activities can be just about anything including games, art projects, outings, and contests. These activities may be posted in the Teen Room a couple days in advance or may just happen in a moment’s notice

Teen Drop In Program:

Midnight Maddness
These after-normal-hours events a specifically designed to give teens a chance to hang out with their peers in a safe and supervised environment where they can participate in games and challenges, watch movies, play sports, and just kick back. Some themes that we have covered in the past include Halloween Horror Movie Night, Glow Party, and End-of-Summer

Teen Council
Teen Council is a group of 12 dedicated students who are interested learning how to take on positive leadership roles so that they can serve their community and influence the world around them. They meet every week to discuss and plan events and programs for their peers and for the community. Some of the events that Teen Council has planned and hosted in the past include Midnight Madness, lock-ins, movies and charity fundraisers.