Winter/Spring Sports Programming

Youth Soccer Team

Youth Soccer

Youth Soccer League

Youth Soccer

Get your grade school aged child signed up today for this excellent opportunity to grow their love for the sport of soccer! This league is a great opportunity for your child to learn the fundamentals of soccer and discover a lifelong love for the game! Because teams need to be assembled prior to the start of this league, registration will close on Wednesday January 8, 2025.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Each team will be scheduled to practice one day per week at either 5:15 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. All Kindergarten practices will be held at 5:15 p.m. and last for 45 min. Practices for grades 1st-8th will last 1 hour. There will be no soccer practice on Monday January 20 (MLK Day). Games will take place on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. depending on participant numbers.

Registration deadline for Youth Soccer League will be Wednesday January 8, 2025.

COACHES NEEDED: Anyone interested in coaching should sign up at the Community Center or contact Ryan Humphrey at 907-581-1297 or several weeks prior to the season's start for paperwork instructions AND must attend the Youth Soccer Coaches’ Meeting on Thursday, January 9th. Parents/family members who coach their child’s team will have their child’s participation fee waived!

REFEREES NEEDED: If you are interested in being a PAID referee for this league, please contact League Coordinator Ryan Humphrey at at least two weeks prior to the start of the league.

League Coordinator – Ryan Humphrey

League Dates: January 13 - February 22, 2025

Location: Community Center Gymnasium

Fee: $45

Grades: Kindergarten - 8th

PCR Youth Basketball Coaches at practice

PCR Youth League Coaches

Youth Soccer Coaches Meeting

If you are interested in coaching in our Youth Soccer League please stop by the Community Center and sign up or contact the League Coordinator 907-581-1297 or to sign up! There is a sign up sheet available at the Front Desk of the Community Center that coaches can input their information and select an age group to coach. All coaches are required to attend the Youth Soccer League Coaches’ Meeting at 7pm on Thursday, January 9th where rosters/schedules will be distributed and coaches have the opportunity to meet with the League Coordinator to go over the season.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Parents/family members who coach their child’s team will have their child’s participation fee waived! The child will still need to be registered for the program by the Wednesday, January 8, 2025 Youth Soccer League registration deadline.

League Coordinator: Ryan Humphrey

Date: Thursday, January 9, 2025

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Community Center Conference Room

City League Soccer

City League Soccer

City League Soccer

Get your team organized and sign up for our recreational Unalaska City League Soccer! 18-year-olds may participate in City League Soccer so long as the participant is 18 before the start of the season. City League Soccer is open to both women and men, there are no minimum or maximum gender requirement amounts for teams.

Rosters available at the Community Center Front Desk for teams to fill out and submit!

City League Soccer Roster Deadline – Now Thursday January 16, 2025

PAID referee positions are available! If you are interested in refereeing, please contact League Coordinator Ryan Humphrey at 907-581-1297 or prior to the start of the league.

League Coordinator – Ryan Humphrey

Dates: Tuesdays or Thursdays, January-February, 2025 (Check back later for specific days/times)

Fee: $200/team (payable before or by first game)

Location: Community Center Gymnasium

Ages: 18 years old+

Minimum/Maximum Teams: 3/6 (Roster size of 12 players per team, plus subs)

Online registration is not available for this program. Please stop by the Community Center to register.

Polar Bear Run

2016 Polar Bear Run

Polar Bear Run

Join us for this grueling kickoff to our racing season and test your physical limitations against the elements in our annual Polar Bear 5k Run! The course is a scenic route from the Community Center, past Memorial Park, and towards Summer Bay and back with excellent views of the bay and perhaps some sea lion friends! Beware as the wind rarely favors the racer (or polar bears!) in both directions which tests the physical and mental abilities of racers...

Very limited sizes and quantities of sweatshirts will be available so sign up early!

Race check in location will be at the Community Center Front Desk and race start/end location will be at the Community Center back parking lot.

Race Coordinator: Ryan Humphrey

Date: NEW DATE Saturday, March 8, 2025

Race Fee: With Hoodie - $35 Without Hoodie - $10

Limited shirt sizes and quantities available

Ages: 9 years old+ (younger participants may also race with a parent/guardian and signed waiver)

Location: Community Center Back Parking Lot

Time: Check-In: 3:00pm / Race Start: 3:30pm!

*Please Note: online and phone registration ends approximately 2-3 hours before race check-in time. Anyone wanting to register after online/phone registration ends will need to register on-site at check-in.

City League Volleyball

City League Volleyball

City League Volleyball

Get your team organized and sign up for our recreational Unalaska City League Volleyball! 18-year-olds may participate in City League Volleyball so long as the participant is 18 before the start of the season. City League Volleyball is open to both women and men, there are no minimum or maximum gender requirement amounts for teams.

Rosters will be available at the Community Center Front Desk for teams to fill out and submit starting January 8, 2025!

City League Volleyball Roster Deadline – Monday March 3, 2025

League Coordinator – Ryan Humphrey

Dates: Mondays, March 10 to April 14, 2025

Times: 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Fee: $150/team (payable before or by first game)

Location: Community Center Gymnasium

Ages: 18 years old+

Minimum/Maximum Teams: 3/6 (Roster max of 12 players per team)

Online registration not available for this program. Please stop by the Community Center to register.


Winter/Spring Sports, Fitness, & Wellness Camps/Classes

Youth Soccer

Little Dribblers Soccer Camp

Little Dribblers Soccer Camp

This week-long camp is designed to teach your little one the basics of soccer and to give them a good foundation of soccer skills for when they are old enough to enter our Youth Soccer League. Youngsters will get acquainted with the concepts of dribbling, passing, shooting, and goalkeeping.

A parent or guardian MUST participate with their child if their child is 3 years old. Little Dribblers is for children aged 3 to 5 years old (preschool). 5-year old's in Kindergarten should sign up for PCR’s Youth Soccer League Kindergarten division.

Instructor: Ryan Humphrey

Minimum/Maximum: 6/10

Camp Fee: $25.00

Dates: Monday, January 27 - Friday, January 31, 2025

Time: 4:30pm-5:00pm

Location: Community Center Gymnasium

Ages: 3 -5 years old (Preschool)

Youth Volleyball Camp

Youth Volleyball Camp

Youth Volleyball Camp

Learn a new volleyball skill or build on what you already know. This camp will be hosted and taught by Unalaska volleyball coach, Joni Scott, and the Unalaska Volleyball team. This is a great way to learn, expand, and show off your volleyball skills. A great introduction class for beginners or first-time students!

Instructor: Coach Joni Scott and members of the UCSD Volleyball Team

Dates: Monday, May 12 to Frida,y May 16, 2025

Time for 3rd & 4th Grade: 3:45 pm-4:45 pm

Time for 5th & 6th Grade: 5:00 pm-6:00 pm

Fee: $35.00

Location: Community Center Gymnasium

Minimum/Maximum: 10/25

Youth Wrestling Camp

Youth Wrestling Camp

Youth Wrestling Camp - Spring

Join Coach Rainier Marquez and the UCSD Wrestling Team for a week of learning and improving wrestling techniques! This camp is open to beginners and experienced wrestlers alike.

It is recommended that wrestling shoes are purchased prior to camp. PCR and UCSD do not sell wrestling shoes and UCSD may have a limited number of wrestling shoes/shoe sizes to borrow on a first come, first served basis each day of camp.

Instructor: Coach Rainier Marquez and members of the UCSD Wrestling Team

Camp Dates/Time: Monday, May 5 to Friday, May 9, 2025, from 3:45 pm to 5:30 pm

Camp Showcase Date/Time: Saturday, May 10, 202,5 starting at 10:00 am

Ages: Kindergarten - 8th Grade

Fee: $35.00

Location: Community Center Gymnasium

Minimum/Maximum: 10/25

Go 4 Life

Go 4 Life

Go 4 Life Senior Fitness Classes

Join other adults in this low-impact group fitness class to help promote a healthy brain and a strong body!

This drop-in program welcomes all who are ages 55 or older and there is NO FEE for participating!

Instructors: Jill Spetz, Alyssa McDonald

Dates/Times: April 19, 2025 to May 30, 2025; Wednesdays & Fridays; 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Dates/Times: February 15, 2025 to April 19, 2025; Saturdays; 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Community Center Multipurpose Room/Track

Ages: 55+

Fee: No fee!




Vinyasa & Yin/Restorative & Grief Yoga Classes

Vinyasa & Yin/Restorative & Grief Yoga/Meditation Classes

Join us for three Yoga classes; Vinyasa Yoga, Yin/Restorative Yoga, and Grief Yoga!

Vinyasa Yoga is a creative form of yoga where poses are linked together with the breath in a flowing sequence, stringing postures together so that you move from one to another seamlessly with breath to attain balance in the mind and body.

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced passive style of yoga as exercise with postures held for longer periods of time than other styles of yoga used to relax the body and mind, alleviate tension, enhance breath awareness, and develop mindfulness.

Grief Yoga (Sound Healing) is a class for all and will be focused on the healing process after a loss, whether divorce, death, or illness.

Instructor: Alyssa McDonald/Ruthie Anderson

Location: Burma Road Chapel

Dates: January 7th, 2025- April 30th, 2025: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday classes will begin on January 7th. Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes will begin on January 13th.

Vinyasa Yoga Class: Mondays/Wednesdays/Friday; 5:30-6:30pm (Instructor Alyssa McDonald)

Yin/Restorative Yoga Class: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday; 5:30-6:20 (Until January 28th). (Instructor Ruth Anderson)

Monday/Wednesday/Friday; 6:30-7:30 (Instructor Alyssa McDonald)

Mediation Class: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday; 6:20-7:00pm (Until January 28th)(Instructor Ruth Anderson)

Yoga Sound Healing: Monday/Wednesday/Friday; 7:30-8:00 pm (Instructor Alyssa McDonald)

Ages - Grade 9 to Adult

Fee - Daily Visit/Pass

Please check in at the Community Center Front Desk before the class you attend each day. If attending more than one class on the same day then check in prior to the first class only.

After-school Archery

After-School Archery

Archery is a blast, and you’ll learn a lot too!  Swing by the Community Center each Monday after school for an hour of time on the range.  Participants are welcome to bring their own equipment but all personal equipment must be approved by the instructor.

IMPORTANT: The program may be canceled due to other PCR programming or instructor availability, please download PCR’s APP to get notifications about class cancellations.  

Grades 4-12 

No Fee

Date: TBD

3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Community Center Gymnasium 


Youth Archery

Youth Archery Tournament

Spring Youth Archery Camp & Tournament

Archery is a lifelong sport that helps youth develop focus and sportsmanship. Join us for a one-week instructive Archery Camp followed by a Saturday tournament. Archers will develop the skills needed to safely and accurately shoot a compound bow. Archers will have the opportunity to compete in a competitive tournament at the end of the week. Archers may provide their own equipment. Before use, all personal equipment must be approved by the instructor. Younger children may participate with the instructor's permission. Maximum: 24

The Saturday tournament is open to all family and friends and will run from 12:30 p.m. to around 6:00 p.m.

Instructor: Albert Burnham

Camp Fee: $25.00

Ages: Grade 4 - 12 (Younger archers may participate at the instructor's discretion)

Location: Community Center Gymnasium

Dates: Due to staff availability, this program will be moved to a later date in the spring, check back for more info.

Time: 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Year-Round Fitness & Wellness Programming

Fitness On Demand Kiosk and Display Sample

Fitness on Demand Wall Kiosk and Display Wall Sample

Fitness on Demand Virtual Classes

Do you find it hard to develop a consistent exercise routine? Are you interested in learning more about wellness and practice some wellness and/or nutrition measures? Are you looking for a fun, fitness class your kids can attend on your time schedule that doesn't have a set class time? Do you think that the options for classes like that are limited here on our island? NOT ANYMORE!

PCR is proud to present the Fitness on Demand virtual workout system. You and your friends can select from hundreds of workout and wellness videos in the system kiosk and take the class with a life-sized instructor on our nearly 10 ft. virtual video display! Filter your class options on the wall kiosk based on your interests, types of workouts/wellness goals, and equipment for available video options.

There is also a limited supply of exercise equipment located in the Community Center Multipurpose Room closet to accompany your class. This system can be accessed by all PCR pass holders or with a daily visit fee.

There are classes for all ages and interests from cardio, strength training, kickboxing, HIIT training, Yoga/Pilates/Meditation, dance, nutrition and wellness videos, senior fitness, stretching, child fitness movement, and much much more!

Stop by the Community Center Multipurpose Room and check it out today!

Advance room reservation to use Fitness on Demand is not required but is strongly recommended! Please call the Community Center at 907-581-1297 to check room availability.